Institute of Philosophical Research
The Institute of Philosophical Research was established with the objectives of contributing to the cultivation and development of the logical and
philosophical capacities of the general public, and preparing a foundation on which reflective thinking on the values of
humankind appropriate for the new age may be carried out through in-depth research on Asian and Western philosophical thought.
Fundamentally, philosophy is the framework of reflective thought that contains the issues and methodological guidelines for achieving a
comprehensive examination and ultimate understanding of human life.
However, as philosophy is both difficult and complex and regarded as an abstract, impractical field by the general public, we are faced with the
reality that the precious value of self-understanding inherent to philosophy is being neither realized nor recognized as it should.
Thus, the Institute conducts various projects in order to inform the general public of the value and methods of philosophical thought, including
logic and ethics, as well as focusing on following academic research activities: research on Asian and Western philosophical thought and its
contemporary relevance for the systematic development of philosophy as an academic field; research on the development of new value systems
through the integration of Asian and Western thought; research on philosophical methodology, and the
investigation into new models for contemporary civilizations.
The Institute recognizes that the mission of philosophical thought is to investigate the various essential aspects of human life such as politics,
economics, society, and culture, and present a framework for the proper understanding and evaluation of such phenomena.
Such activity is also necessary for the examination of the foundation of humanities as a whole as well as the future development and growth of the
In order to effectively carry out these goals, the Institute strives to realize the proper role and true value of philosophy, one that is not locked in the
ivory tower of academics but works in harmony with the general public by expanding itself into the public realm, by presenting definitive
translations and standard editions of original texts of Asian and Western philosophical classics, as well as conducting
fundamental research to draft an “electronic cultural map” which is suitable for the new media environment of the 21st century.