해외저명학자 초청강연 - Prof. Agnes Callard(University of Chicago) | |||||
분류 | 콜로키움 | 날짜 | 2025-01-06 18:06 | 조회 | 82 |
철학사상연구소 해외학자 초청 강연 - Professor Agnes Callard (University of Chicago) 안녕하십니까. University of Chicago의 Agnes Callard 교수님을 모시고 진행하는 해외학자 초청강연 리마인더 메일입니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. - 일시: 2024. 11. 20.(수) 오후 4:00~6:00 - 장소: 인문대학 6동 403호(철학사상연구소) - 강연자: Professor Agnes Callard (University of Chicago) - 제목: What is Socratic Intellectualism 강연 개요: On one approach to ethics, the way to live is to follow rules that dictate the way that anyone should behave towards anyone else: the maxim of your action should be universalizable. This goes by the name of Kantianism, and deontology, and contractualism; it is a descendent of ancient Stoicism. On another approach to ethics, you should try to maximize the number of good outcomes for all of humanity (or perhaps: all of animality), which is to say, bring about the greatest good for the greatest number. This is called utilitarianism, or, in its more general form, consequentialism. It is a descendent of ancient Epicureanism. On yet a third view, you should try to instantiate the virtues: be just, courageous, generous, moderate and so on--where that is a matter, in each case, of finding the mean between the two corresponding vices. This is called Virtue Ethics, or Neo-Aristotelianism, and it is descended from Aristotle's ethical treatises. In this talk, I introduce a fourth possibility: the way to live is to try to acquire knowledge, the best life being the life devoted to inquiry. It is descended from the thought of Socrates, as presented in Plato's early and middle dialogues. 강연자 소개: Agnes Callard는 현재 시카고대학의 철학과 부교수이며 고대철학과 윤리학이 주연구분야이다.2018에 출판된 저서 Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming에서 캘러드 교수는 새로운 가치과 선호들을 변화가운데 찾아나가는 인격형성과정을 살피며 ‘aspiration’이라는 개념을 소개한다.New Yorker와 New York Times등에의 기고를 통해 대중적 철학 활동도 비교적 활발하게 진행해온 캘러드 교수는 이번 강연에서 새로운 형태의 덕철학 이론인 Socratic Intellectualism을 소개한다. |